My Bubby Estabel, who was an amazing cook, passed away last March, but she always made her gefilte fish loaf for all the holidays. As I was preparing for the first Seder I ever made, I added gefilte fish to the menu last minute! I was in the mood for a new recipe and knew my bubby would want to have her presence known at our table for our first Seder. I pulled the recipe from a recipe book that my sister made me for my wedding shower, Bubby Estabel had given her the gefilte fish recipe. In hind sight, I realize she was wise enough to know she wouldn't live forever and that I would need her special recipe when she wasn't a phone call away anymore.
So, I called my mom to check on all the ingredients. She told me Bubby's first rule was no other fish is acceptable except minced white fish. It can't be pike or any other fish and it must be minced. I make a few calls and I live in the Jewish mecca of the world- there are no fishmongers in NYC that have white fish and have a mincer....I tried them all! Wild Edible, Fairway, Citarella, FreshDirect, fish store at Chelsea Market, you name it! Next year, per Mara's suggestion, I will try the Lower East Side. Anyway, finally I found a Balducci's in Scarscale, NY, fifteen minutes from my office. Mission complete! I got my minced white fish.
I realized when I got home that gefilte fish is so easy to make! I don't know why more people don't do it! My diverse crowd was asking for seconds and I know my bubby was proud.
We also enjoyed matzo ball soup and Linda Tischler's almond macaroons (last year's Passover discovery). I tried adding 2 tbsp of lemon zest and they were even better! A Brazilian dude at work was chasing me all day asking for more!
Bubby Estabel's Gefilte Fish
Serves 10-12 people
1 loaf pan, greased
1 1/2 lbs minced white fish (again, only "white fish" and must be minced!)
2 eggs
1 cup cold water
3 medium diced sauteed onions (in 1/4 cup oil)
3 Tbsp matzo meal
1 Tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp pepper
Beat on mix master for 10 minutes on medium with the paddle attachment. Place in pyrex and bake for 1.5 hrs (take it out when the top is fully browned, for me and my mom, it takes 1 hr and 40 minutes, but apparently my aunt burned it at 1 hr 55- so watch it!).
Cool on counter for an hour. Turn out onto paper towel and cool on paper towel.
Wrap in paper towel, then aluminum foil and refrigerate. The paper towel absorbs the moisture. It can be made 2 days in advance.
Slice and serve with horseradish on side.
Note: If you double the recipe, you need to do it separately.